Susan Denniston Scuola Internazionale di Grafica

Workshop con Susan Denniston

Venerdì 27 settembre 2024
Orario: 10:00 – 17:00

Monotipi Creativi: Miscelazione e Stratificazione del Colore

Fa’ sì che il colore lavori per te, non contro di te! Impara un procedimanto sistematico di miscelazione dei colori e inchiostrazione delle lastre, per creare e stampare strati trasparenti di colore luminoso.

Susan Denniston, pluripremiata artista ospite del 2024, è membro di The Boston Printmakers, organizzazione che raccoglie i migliori incisori del Stati Uniti.




Più informazioni

Il Workshop

Attraverso dimostrazioni e sessioni pratiche di inchiostrazione e stampa, mescoleremo bellissimi colori usando solo cinque inchiostri tradizionali. Dopo una semplice e sistematica dimostrazione di miscelazione dei colori, i partecipanti creeranno i propri monotipi stratificando i colori e utilizzando stencil. Sentiti libero di portare il tuo taccuino e/o stencil che potresti voler utilizzare.

Susan Denniston

Susan è Printmaker e artista multimediale che vive a Scituate, Massachusetts, USA. Aspetti di perdita e reinvenzione, erosione e rinnovamento caratterizzano il suo lavoro. Che si tratti di lavorare con stoffe ereditate e fragili o potenti immagini di un muro di mare alla mercé della marea crescente, il suo lavoro contiene frammenti di persistenza e speranza intrecciati con scorci della sua storia personale. Le sue opere sono esposte a livello regionale negli Stati Uniti e più recentemente a livello internazionale a Cracovia, Israele, L’Avana, Portogallo e Vietnam.

Principali Mostre e Premi


  • National Open Juried Exhibition 2024, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI
  • Making an Impression: Monotype & Monoprint Exhibit, Cove Street Arts, Portland, Maine, First Prize
  • National Association of Women Artists, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA
  • Driven to Abstraction, invitational, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • Boston Muse, Scollay Square Gallery, Boston City Hall, Boston, MA
  • Celebrated: Selections from Boston Printmakers Biennial, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI
  • Winter Juried Show, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA


  • North American Print Biennial, Boston University, Boston, MA
  • Legacy of Leadership, Boston University, Boston, MA
  • Lasting Impressions, MGNE exhibit, Thayer Academy, Braintree, MA First Prize
  • Fall Juried Show, James Library Center for the Arts, Norwell, MA Best in Show
  • 11th International Printmaking Biennial, Douro, Protugal
  • Peace, Love, and Understanding, Danang Museum of Fine Arts, Danang, Vietnam
  • Place Making: Explore the South Shore, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA
  • Voices Carry, solo exhibit, Kingston Gallery, Boston, MA


  • The Blue Notebooks, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA
  • Hopscotch, Wedeman Gallery, Lasell University, Newton, MA
  • 5th Global Print 2022, Museo do Douro/AUDIR, Peso Da Regua, Portugal
  • One Thing to Remember, Galleri Schaeffers Gate 5, Oslo, Norway
  • Paper Boats Flotilla 2022, Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy
  • Conexiones/Connections, Taller Experimental de Grafica de La Habana, Havana, Cuba
  • One-of-a-Kind, Bancroft Gallery, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • One Thing to Remember, Hovinkartano Arts and Cultural Centre, Hauho, Finland
  • Nourishing the Senses, Lasell University, Newton, MA
  • Davidson Galleries Unique Impressions International Invitational 2022, Seattle, WA


  • Manipulation is Art and Play, Piano Craft Gallery, Boston, MA
  • Black Lives & White Fragility, Bancroft Gallery, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • Art Forward, Galatea Fine Arts Gallery, SoWa Arts District, Boston, MA, First Prize
  • Connect: Small Prints by The Boston Printmakers, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI
  • Pivot, Bancroft Gallery, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA


  • HallSpace Drawing Project: Droplets, HallSpace, Dorchester, MA
  • One Thing to Remember, Hovinkartano Arts and Cultural Centre, Hämeenlinna, Finland (postponed)
  • The Blue Notebooks, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA (postponed)
  • Conexiones/Connections, Taller Experimental de Grafica de La Habana, Havana, Cuba (postponed)
  • S|HE, Atlantic Wharf Gallery, Boston, MA


  • I Remember One Thing, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Extremes and In-betweens, Rocky Neck Art Colony, Gloucester, MA


  • Krakow International Print Triennial, Krakow, Poland
  • Fifth National Monotype/Monoprint Exhibition, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA
  • Boston Printmakers 2017 North American Print Biennial, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA


  • HallSpace Drawing Project: Unveiled, HallSpace, Dorchester, MA
  • Marking Time, Cotuit Center for the Arts, Cotuit, MA
  • Women, Charles Fine Arts, Glocester, MA
  • Legacy, Bancroft Gallery, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • Festival of the Arts, Cohasset, MA, Award of Excellence
  • Upward Trend, Newburyport Art Association, Newburyport, MA, Third Prize
  • Entryways, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA, Second Prize
  • 2016
  • Virtuosity, Jan Matejko Fine Art Academy, Krakow, Poland
  • The Fabric of Life: Themes from the Personal Well, ArtSpace, Maynard, MA
  • Current Visions: Tradition Meets Innovation, National Association of Women Artists, MA Chapter, Bancroft Gallery, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • Full Tilt Print Studio Portfolio, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA
  • Selfish | Investigating Identity, University Place Gallery, Cambridge, MA
  • Con|TEXT, National Juried Show, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA, Third Prize
  • Fourth National Monotype/Monoprint Juried Exhibition, Attleboro Arts Museum, Attleboro, MA
  • Truth to Power, Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Cambridge, MA
  • Unconventional Means, Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, MA
  • Vantage Point, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • 2015
  • Strokes of Genius, Women Artists of New England – Past and Present, Rockport Art Association, Rockport, MA, First Prize
  • Earth, Wind & Fire, National Show, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • Boston Printmakers 2015 North American Print Biennial, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA
  • Annual Juried Show, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA, First Prize, mixed media


  • Interior Spaces, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • Works on Paper, National Juried Show, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA
  • National Prize Show, Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Cambridge, MA



  • Making Marks, Leaving a Trace, Wheaton College, Norton, MA, solo exhibit
  • Boston Printmakers 2013 Biennial Exhibition, 808 Gallery, Boston University
  • MGNE National Juried Show, Barrington Center, Gordon College, Wenham, MA
  • Annual Juried Show, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA, First Prize, printmaking



  • 8 Visions, Attleboro Arts Museum, Attleboro, MA
  • National Prize Show, Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Cambridge, MA


  • Annual Members’ Exhibition, Attleboro Arts Museum, Attleboro, MA, Juror’s Choice Award
  • Affairs of the Art, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
  • Chain Letter, Samsøn, Boston, MA
  • Annual Juried Show, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA, First Prize, mixed media
  • Media Invention, Dillon Gallery, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA


  • Beside Ourselves, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
  • Off the Wall, Danforth Museum of Art, Framingham, MA
  • Proof of Purchase, Samsøn, Boston, MA
  • Seeing Double, National Juried Show, Attleboro Arts Museum, Attleboro, MA
  • Annual Juried Show, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA, Second Prize, printmaking, Second Prize, painting


  • Abstract + Concrete, James Library and Center for the Arts, Norwell, MA, solo exhibit
  • Water, Wellfleet Public Library and Mass Audubon/Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, Wellfleet, MA
  • Cambridge Art Annual Prize Show, Cambridge, MA, Artist of the Year 2009, Works on Paper Award
  • Inside/Out, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
  • Black, White, & Shades of Gray, South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA, Award of Merit
  • Northeast Prize Show, Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Cambridge, MA


  • Annual Juried Show, Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA, First Prize, printmaking


  • BA, Bates College, Lewiston, ME

Studio Arts studies

  • School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • Massachusetts College of Art, Boston
  • Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA

Visiting Artist/Panelist

  • Harvard Art Museums, Playing with States, invited panelist, December, 2021
  • Wheaton College, Norton, MA, Making Marks, Leaving a Trace, 2013

Residencies/Cultural Exchange

  • Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA, Returning Residency, 2017, 2018, 2019
  • Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland cultural exchange with printmakers 2016
  • Studio Camnitzer, Valdottavo, Italy – several 2-3 week printmaking residencies, 2005-2013
  • Full Tilt Print Studio, Hyde Park, MA – three-month summer residency, 2013

Affiliations and Memberships

  • Los Angeles Printmaking Society, Juried member since 2022
  • National Association of Women Artists, Juried member since 2015
  • Boston Printmakers, Juried member since 2010, Board member and Treasurer since 2012
  • Monotype Guild of New England, Board member, 2006 – 2013, President, 2008-2010
  • Full Tilt Print Studio, Artist member since 2014
  • Cambridge Art Association, Gallery Artist member since 2008
  • South Shore Art Center, Gallery Artist member since 2006

Condizioni di Partecipazione al Workshop

• Il numero massimo di partecipanti ammessi è di 12.
• In caso di mancato raggiungimento di un numero minimo di partecipanti il Workshop potrebbe essere cancellato. In tal caso, gli iscritti riceveranno un rimborso completo della quota di partecipazione.
• La Scuola Internazionale di Grafica è una Scuola e Studio per Artisti. Tutti i nostri partecipanti sono tenuti a rispettare le regole che vengono fornite all’inizio di ogni workshop.
• L’uso di macchine e strumenti di lavoro è severamente vietato senza la supervisione del nostro personale qualificato. La Scuola non è responsabile per eventuali infortuni che possano verificarsi per il mancato rispetto delle nostre regole.
• Il pranzo non è compreso nel costo del Workshop

• La Scuola Internazionale di Grafica fornisce tutti i materiali e gli strumenti necessari per il Workshop.

Le iscrizioni cancellate fino a 20 giorni prima dell’inizio del Workshop riceveranno un rimborso pari al 50% della quota di partecipazione. Successivamente, non saranno corrisposti rimborsi da parte della Scuola. La cancellazione dovrà essere comunicata per email a